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Ashley Simmons

Ashley Simmons

Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Simmons and besides being a blog writer for the Virginia State Parks, I am also the PR and Marketing Specialist at our very own Sky Meadows State Park. I live just forty minutes north of the park in Frederick County, Virginia, however interestingly enough I never visited the park before I had my interview to become a contact ranger here. Now I wish I had known what I was missing sooner! The breathtaking views left me awestruck on arrival and I knew if I got the job I was never going to leave and here I am today.

I am also the proud parent of three rescue kitties who all happen to be male and yellow, in color, named Tango, Imposter Kitty (Impy for short), and Crooked. I guess you could say I have taken quite a liking to those traits and strange names. When I’m not at work or cuddling up with the fur-babies I also enjoy cooking, playing video games, and spending time with my friends and family.

My goal within the park system is to eventually become an interpretive park ranger, whether it be here in the Virginia State Parks or the National Park Service. One thing is for sure, I will always stay in Virginia. I grew up in one small town, although it’s getting pretty large now, I will never be able to leave the place. Virginia, and more importantly the Shenandoah Valley, is my home and I feel luckily to get to live, work, and play in such a great state and to be able to share a bit about it with you.

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